CBPI endpoints and errors

Here are our endpoints and errors which are specific to CBPI (Card-Based Payment Instrument) APIs.

Below you can read about:

Domain URLs
Context path
Discovery endpoints
Error codes
OAuth2.0 redirection error mapping

Domain URLs

Below are our domain URLs to use for calls and redirects. Be sure to include the URL for the appropriate environment and purpose in each call.

Our domains are over MTLS. You should present your Open Banking signed certificate against these domains to validate the SSL handshake and check it is working as expected.

Environment Sandbox (Co-operative Bank)
Environment Production (Co-operative Bank)
Environment Production (smile)

Context path

Following a call to the Domain URL you can access the context path before the discovery endpoints.

CBPII API CONTEXT PATH - /apis/retail/open-banking/v3.1/cbpii/

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Discovery endpoints

We provide all the CBPI API endpoints which are in the OBL specifications:

CBPI Funds Confirmation
Endpoint POST /funds-confirmations
CBPI Funds Confirmation
Endpoint DELETE /funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId}
CBPI Funds Confirmation
Endpoint GET /funds-confirmation-consents/{ConsentId}
CBPI Funds Confirmation
Endpoint POST /funds-confirmation-consents

Error codes

Below are error codes and descriptions specific to CBPI APIs, and what to do to correct them.

Error response
TPP action
Scenario Access token invalid
Error response Status code: 401

Error code: NA

Description: Unauthorised
TPP action TPP needs to retry with a valid token.
Scenario Expiration data is not valid
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.Field.InvalidDate

Description: /Data/RequestedExecutionDateTime [2013-09-29 18:46:19] is not a valid date-time. Expected [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.[0-9]{1,9}Z,
TPP action Review the payload ensuring that the data is in line with the guidance given within API documentation.

Retry after making necessary changes.
Scenario Scheme name is not valid enum
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.UnSupported.Scheme

Description: /Data/Initiation/DebtorAccount/SchemeName UK.OBIE.BPAN is not a valid enum value
TPP action Only supported values are “UK.OBIE.PAN” and “UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber”
Scenario Identification length is not correct
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.UnSupported.AccountIdentifier

Description: /Data/DebtorAccount/Identification expected maxLength: 14, actual: 18
TPP action Review the payload ensuring that the data is in line with the guidance given within API documentation.

Retry after making necessary changes.
Scenario Mandatory field is missing
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.Field.missing

Description: {Field} required key {Field} not found
TPP action Review the payload ensuring that the data is in line with the guidance given within API documentation.

Retry after making necessary changes.
Scenario Invalid Field
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidFormat

Description: /Data/Initiation/InstructedAmount/Amount string [1fd03] does not match pattern ^\\d{1,13}$|^\\d{1,13}\\.\\d{1,5}$
TPP action Review the payload ensuring that the data is in line with the guidance given within API documentation.
Scenario Unexpected error
Error response Status code: 500

Error code: UK.OBIE.UnexpectedError

Description: Temporary System error, unknown temporary error
TPP action It might be an intermediate system error, TPP needs to send the request again.
Scenario Currency is not GBP
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.UnSupported.Currency

Description: /Data/InstructedAmount/Currency[Currency Value] is not a valid Enum value
TPP action Review the payload ensuring that the data is in line with the guidance given within API documentation.

Retry after making necessary changes.
Scenario Consent not found
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.Resource.NotFound

Description: Consent not found
TPP action Review the payload ensuring that the data is in line with the guidance given within API documentation.

Retry after making necessary changes.
Scenario Consent not Authorised
Error response Status code: 400

Error code: UK.OBIE.Resource.InvalidConsentStatus

Description: Consent not Authorised
TPP action TPP needs to verify the consent status then retry after making necessary changes.

OAuth2.0 redirection error mapping

These errors will cover any unhappy path system or user actions that result in the journey being exited without giving consent. In some of these scenario’s we will pass an error message back to the TPP. The error message may be different depending on the scenario and what will prompt which relevant error message needs to be used; and will relate to the scenario.

Error description
Redirection URL
Error Account not found
Error description User account details supplied do not meet criteria
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Account+not+found&error_description=User+account+details+supplied+do+not+meet+criteria
Summary Unable to identify account supplied by TPP as either not eligible / not valid / closed
Error Authentication declined
Error description User declined authentication
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Authentication+declined&error_description=User+declined+authentication
Summary Customer (PSU) has aborted consent journey before authentication complete at Bank (ASPSP) by selecting 'Cancel and return' or session has timed out and automatically redirected back to TPP
Error Authentication failed
Error description User locked out of Online Banking
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Authentication+failed&error_description=User+locked+out+of+Online+Banking
Summary Customers (PSU) Online credentials are locked so require resetting by bank (ASPSP) support team and are unable to authenticate for consent
Error Authentication failed
Error description User needs to reset credentials
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Authentication+failed&error_description=User+needs+to+reset+credentials
Summary Customers (PSU) Online credentials require reseting by bank (ASPSP) support team and are unable to authenticate for consent
Error Consent declined
Error description User declined consent
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Consent+declined&error_description=User+declined+consent
Summary Customer (PSU) has aborted consent journey after reviewing consent details supplied by selecting 'Cancel and return' or session has timed out and automatically redirected back to TPP
Error No eligible accounts
Error description User has no eligible accounts
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=No+eligible+accounts&error_description=User+has+no+eligible+accounts
Summary Customer (PSU) has no accounts eligible for Open Banking
Error Temporary System Error
Error description Unknown Temporary Error
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Temporary+System+Error&error_description=Unknown+Temporary+Error+
Summary Bank (ASPSP) has had an internal system error and is unable to provide a response to consent request, please try again later
Error User action caused error
Error description User refreshed the page during authentication
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=User+action+caused+error&error_description=User+refresh+page+during+authentication
Summary Customer (PSU) has aborted consent journey before authentication complete at Bank (ASPSP) by selecting 'Browser Refresh' and has automatically redirected back to TPP
Error User action caused error
Error description User refreshed the page during consent
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=User+action+caused+error&error_description=User+refresh+page+during+consent
Summary Customer (PSU) has aborted consent journey after reviewing consent details supplied by selecting 'Browser Refresh' and has automatically redirected back to TPP
Error Not mobile registered user
Error description Mobile - user not registered
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Not+mobile+registered+user&error_description=Mobile+-+user+not+registered
Summary The Customer (PSU) has the Bank (ASPSP) app on their device, but their device is not registered for Mobile Banking. Customer has decided to return to the TPP instead of going on to Online Banking to provide consent. Customer (PSU) needs to register their device before starting the journey again or instead continue to Online Banking to provide consent
Error Temporary system error
Error description App currently unavailable – user exited journey
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Temporary+system+error&error_description=App+currently+unavailable+–+user+exited+journey
Summary The Bank (ASPSP) App is currently unavailable. Customer has decided to return to the TPP instead of going on to Online Banking to provide consent. Customer (PSU) can try again to see if it the App is available or instead continue to Online Banking to provide consent
Error Obsolete app version
Error description App update required
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Obsolete+app+version&error_description=App+update+required
Summary Customer (PSU) needs to do a mandatory update of their version of the Bank (ASPSP) mobile app and customer has decided to return to the TPP instead of going on to Online Banking to provide consent. Customer (PSU) needs to update their Bank (ASPSP) app before starting the journey again or instead continue to Online Banking to provide consent
Error User action - exit
Error description User exited journey
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=User+action+-+exit&error_description=User+exited+journey
Summary Customer (PSU) has aborted consent journey before authentication complete at Bank (ASPSP) by selecting 'Cancel and return' on page which may indicate they need to reset their mobile app log in credentials
Error Authentication failed
Error description User unable to authenticate
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=Authentication+failed&error_description=User+unable+to+authenticate
Summary Customer (PSU) has failed authentication and is temporarily frozen-out of Mobile Banking. The customer will need to wait until the countdown has expired before they can try authentication again
Error request_unauthorized
Error description The request could not be authorized.The login request has expired. Please try again.
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=request_unauthorized&error_description=The+request+could+not+be+authorized.The+login+request+has+expired.+Please+try+again
Summary The consent token has expired. Please allow the customer to start the journey again with a new consent token
Error request_unauthorized
Error description The request could not be authorized. The consent request has expired. Please try again
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=request_unauthorized&error_description=The+request+could+not+be+authorized.+The+consent+request+has+expired.+Please+try+again
Summary The consent token has expired. Please allow the customer to start the journey again with a new consent token
Error request_forbidden
Error description The request is not allowed. No CSRF value available in the session cookie
Redirection URL https://sandbox-bank.co-operativebanktest.co.uk/openbanking/coop/oauthRedirect?error=request_forbidden&error_description=The+request+is+not+allowed.+No+CSRF+value+available+in+the+session+cookie